How to Use this Site

00: Navigate Through the Site Using the Menus
Use the menus to navigate to a topic in the main content (Part 0 through Part 4) or to a self-contained Appendix (Fascicle 00 through Fascicle 12).

Use the menus to navigate to a topic in the main content (Part 0 through Part 4) or to a self-contained Appendix (Fascicle 00 through Fascicle 12).

01: Check Your Understanding Using the Built-In Exercises
The material has a large number of exercises to help you pre-assess your understanding before the material and to help you validate your understanding as you progress through the content.

The material has a large number of exercises to help you pre-assess your understanding before the material and to help you validate your understanding as you progress through the content.

02: Dive Deeper Beyond the Main Content Using the Fascicles

03: Annotate the Content with Your Peers Using the Site's Annotation System
The site’s annotation system lets you discuss the content with other learners. Highlight any text on the site and add optional annotation. F(E) uses the open-source annotation platform. You will need a account for your a…

The site’s annotation system lets you discuss the content with other learners. Highlight any text on the site and add optional annotation. F(E) uses the open-source annotation platform. You will need a account for your annotations to be permanent. You can keep annotations private or make them public (visible to anyone) on the web.

Because the site content is frequently updated, the page numbers and section text is continuously evolving. As a result, please include information about the section in the book relevant to your annotation.