Part 0
Chapter 00: Preface
Embedded computing systems interact with the physical world through sensors, actuators, and displays.
“Theory is when you know something, but it doesn’t work. Practice is when something works, but you don’t know why. Some people combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don’t know why.”
Step 00: Chapter 00 Pre-Assessment Quiz (click here to show/hide).
Step 01: Chapter 00 Things to Think About (click here to show/hide).
Step 02:
Read and annotate the chapter. Use ctrl +
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to zoom out, and ctrl 0
to zoom back to initial size. You can highlight and annotate content in the document by selecting any text and clicking on the "Annotate" and "Highlight" tools that pop up. More information on how to use the site's annotation tools.
Step 03: